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Flutter command: You can change splash background by adding this flutter library: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_native_splash Follow instructions for changing splash from one place.

Manual method

You can manually change splash screen in Android and iOS projects at following places:


Project_HOME > android > app > src > main > res > values > strings.xml

Background Color

Change the “backgroundColor” with hex color like this:

<color name="backgroundColor">#2B3D2D</color>
Splash icon

To change or remove the splash icon, open these files:

To remove the icon, remove these line:

        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" />

To edit or replace the icon, replace the image file at this place:

The icon can be of any size. You can use any name with icon file, just update the reference in launch_background.xml


Project_HOME > ios > Runner > Runner > LaunchScreen Open LaunchScreen and it’ll show you a graphical interface to edit your launch screen. You can add text, photos and anything on your screen. To learn more, read the official docs here: Specifying Your App’s Launch Screen

Run App

Once everything is set up. Do a flutter clean, so flutter picks up the new configuration and setup everything in child projects. From top menu toolbar select Tools > Flutter > Flutter Clean From top menu toolbar select Run > Run main.dart

Wait… and see if it compiles and run for you.

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