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If you want to add item in profile tab, go to Project_HOME > lib > hooks_v2.dart. Look for the getProfileItemHook() method.

  static getProfileItemHook(){
    ProfileHook profileHook = (BuildContext context){
      List<Widget> profileItemHookList = [
        // Add menu item map here
      return profileItemHookList;

Steps to Add Menu item:

  1. Copy and paste the sample code of menuItem.
  Widget menuItem = genericWidgetRow(
    iconData: ,
    text: ,
    onTap: (){
      // Some Function()
    removeDecoration: ,
    padding: ,
  1. Provide IconData against the iconData field.
  2. Provide Item Label against the text field.
  3. Provide action that you want to perform on tap of this item, against the onTap field.
  4. If you do not want a divider under the menu item, set the value of removeDecoration to true.
  5. If you want to manually adjust the padding of menu item, provide Padding against the padding field.
  6. Rename the widget menuItem, as you like.
  7. Finally add the Widget to the List profileItemHookList.
  8. Restart the App.

Example code for Menu item:

Widget descriptionMenuItem = genericWidgetRow(
  iconData: Icons.description_outlined,
  text: "Temporary Show Description",
  onTap: (){
    // Some Function()
    print("Showing Description.........................");
  // removeDecoration: true,
  // padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20.0, vertical: 10.0),

Widget helpMenuItem = genericWidgetRow(
  iconData: Icons.help_outlined,
  text: "Temporary Show Help",
  onTap: (){
    // Some Function()
    print("Showing Description.........................");
  // removeDecoration: true,
  // padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20.0, vertical: 10.0),

List<Widget> profileItemHookList = [
  // Add menu item map here

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