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Important: You are required to install the Houzi Rest API Plug-in on your Houzez wordpress. To install the Plug-in, click on Houzi Rest Api Plugin Link.

This guide consists of following configuration settings:

Routes Configurations
Google Maps Api Key
Places Api Configurations
Ads Configurations
Push Notification Configurations
Social Sign-On Configurations
Search Results Configurations
Segment Control Configuration

Let’s dive into the details of each section.

Routes Configurations:

Rest Api Properties Route:

If your website use wp/v2/property or wp/v2/translated_property_name instead of wp/v2/properties, then define property or translated_property_name as Rest Api Properties Route.

Rest Api Agent Route:

If your website use wp/v2/houzez_agent or wp/v2/translated_agent_name instead of wp/v2/agents, then define houzez_agent or translated_agent_name as Rest Api Agent Route.

Rest Api Agency Route:

If your website use wp/v2/houzez_agency or wp/v2/translated_agency_name instead of wp/v2/agencies, then define houzez_agency or translated_agency_name as Rest Api Agency Route.


Google Maps Api Key:

Please provide your Google Maps Api Key in the respective text field.


Google Maps Api Key is prerequisite. If you do not have Google Maps Api Key, you can aquire key by following these steps:

  1. Setup Google Cloud Project Console
  2. Once you have setup the project on Google Cloud, you need to Aquire the Maps Api Key for Android and iOS separately.

Places Api Configurations:

If you want to limit the Places Api to specific country or countries, follow these steps:

  1. Check mark the Lock Places Api to Specific Country or Countries checkbox field. places-api-configuartions

  2. Provide Country/Countries Tags (e.g. US, UK etc.) in respective text field.

Ads Configurations:

#### Ads Key:

Please provide Android/IOS Native Ad Id in the respective text fields.


AdMob App ID is prerequisite. If you do not have AdMob App ID, you can aquire AdMob App ID by registering your app as an AdMob app. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to or Sign up for an AdMob account.
  2. Register your app with AdMob. This step creates an AdMob app with a unique AdMob App ID for each platform.

#### Enable/ Disable Ads:

Prerequisite: Android/IOS Native Ad Id.

Push Notification Configurations

Please provide your One Signal App Id in the respective text field.


Prerequisite: Push Notifications Integration.

Social Sign-On Configurations:

You can enable or disable Social Sign-On i.e. Sign-in with Facebook, Google, Apple and Phone with their respective checkbox fields.


with Apple is only available in IOS.
Prerequisite: Social Sign-on Configuration.

Search Results Configurations:

Segment Control Configuration:

You can enable or disable Cupertino Sliding Segment Control in whole App, just by check marking or check unmarking the Show Cupertino Segment Control checkbox field.


If you check unmark the Show Cupertino Segment Control checkbox field, the Material Segment Control widget will be used in the whole app.

Previous: Customize Add Property Form Next: Export Configuration