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If you want to add item in Settings, go to Project_HOME > lib > hooks_v2.dart. Look for the getSettingsItemHook() method.

static getSettingsItemHook(){
    SettingsHook settingsHook = (BuildContext context){
      List<dynamic> settingsItemHookList = [
        // Add menu item map here
      return settingsItemHookList;

There are two types of items that you can add to Settings:

  1. Single Settings Menu item.
  2. Settings Menu Section with Menu items.

Steps to Add Single Settings Menu item:

  1. Copy and paste the sample code of singleSettingsMenuItem.

    Widget singleSettingsMenuItem = genericWidgetRow(
         iconData: ,
         text: ,
         onTap: (){
           // Some Function()
         removeDecoration: ,
         padding: ,
         sectionType: "preferences",
       Map<String, dynamic> singleSettingsMenuItemMap = {
         "sectionType" : "preferences",
         "menuItem" : singleSettingsMenuItem,
  2. Provide IconData against the iconData field.
  3. Provide Item Label against the text field.
  4. Provide action that you want to perform on tap of this item, against the onTap field.
  5. If you do not want a divider under the menu item, set the value of removeDecoration to true.
  6. If you want to manually adjust the padding of menu item, provide Padding against the padding field.
  7. Rename the widget singleSettingsMenuItem, as you like.
  8. There are two sections on ‘Settings’ page:
    1. preferences.
    2. community_standards_and_legal_policies.

    If you want to place the menu item in specific section, define the section type (preferences or community_standards_and_legal_policies) against the sectionType key in singleSettingsMenuItemMap.

  9. Add the widget name (e.g. singleSettingsMenuItem, if not changed) against the menuItem key in singleSettingsMenuItemMap.
  10. Rename the widget singleSettingsMenuItemMap, as you like.
  11. Finally add the Widget Map name to the List settingsItemHookList.
  12. Restart the App.

Example code for Single Settings Menu item:

Widget descriptionSettingsMenuItem = genericWidgetRow(
            iconData: Icons.description_outlined,
            text: "Temporary Show Description",
            onTap: (){
                // Some Function()
                print("Showing Description.........................");
            removeDecoration: true,
            padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20.0, vertical: 10.0),

        Map<String, dynamic> descriptionSettingsMenuItemMap = {
            "sectionType" : "",
            "menuItem" : descriptionSettingsMenuItem,

        Widget helpSettingsMenuItem = genericWidgetRow(
            iconData: Icons.help_outlined,
            text: "Temporary Show Help",
            onTap: (){
                // Some Function()
                print("Showing Description.........................");
            removeDecoration: true,
            padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20.0, vertical: 10.0),

        Map<String, dynamic> helpSettingsMenuItemMap = {
            "sectionType" : "",
            "menuItem" : helpSettingsMenuItem,

        List<dynamic> settingsItemHookList = [

Steps to Add Settings Menu Section with Menu items:

  1. Copy and paste the sample code of settingsMenuSectionWithItems.

    Widget settingsMenuSectionWithItems = genericSettingsWidget(
         headingText: "",
         headingSubTitleText: "",
         removeDecoration: false,
         enableTopDecoration: true,
         enableBottomDecoration: false,
         body: Column(
           crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
           children: [
             // define your menu items here
       Map<String, dynamic> settingsMenuSectionWithItemsMap = {
         "sectionType" : "",
         "menuItem" : settingsMenuSectionWithItems,
  2. Provide Section Heading Name against the ‘headingText’ field.
  3. Provide Section Sub-Heading Name against the ‘headingSubTitleText’ field.
  4. If you do not want a divider under the menu item, set the value of removeDecoration to true.
  5. If you want to provide a divider above the menu section, set the value of enableTopDecoration to true.
  6. If you want to provide a divider below the menu section, set the value of enableBottomDecoration to true.
  7. Rename the widget settingsMenuSectionWithItems, as you like.
  8. Add the menu items in the childern section of the body.
  9. Leave the empty value against sectionType key in settingsMenuSectionWithItemsMap.
  10. Add the widget name (e.g. settingsMenuSectionWithItems, if not changed) against the menuItem key in settingsMenuSectionWithItemsMap.
  11. Rename the widget settingsMenuSectionWithItemsMap, as you like.
  12. Finally add the Widget Map name to the List settingsItemHookList.
  13. Restart the App.

Example code for Settings Menu Section with items:

Widget settingsMenuSectionWithItems = genericSettingsWidget(
    headingText: "Temporary Heading",
    headingSubTitleText: "Temporary Sub Heading",
    enableTopDecoration: true,
    enableBottomDecoration: false,
    body: Column(
    crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
    children: [
                iconData: Icons.description_outlined,
                text: "Temporary Show Description",
                onTap: (){
                    // Some Function()
                    print("Showing Description.........................");
                removeDecoration: true,
                iconData: Icons.help_outlined,
                text: "Temporary Help Description",
                onTap: (){
                    // Some Function()
                    print("Showing Help.........................");
                removeDecoration: true,

Map<String, dynamic> settingsMenuSectionWithItemsMap = {
    "sectionType" : "",
    "menuItem" : settingsMenuSectionWithItems,

List<dynamic> settingsItemHookList = [

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