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Houzi proivdes you with the getAddPropertyActionHook() to perform some action on Add Property. Simply open the file from the following path:

Project_HOME > lib > hooks_v2.dart

Look for the getAddPropertyActionHook() method.

  AddPropertyActionHook? getAddPropertyActionHook() {
    AddPropertyActionHook addPropertyActionHook = ({
      required context,
      required addPropertyNonce,
      required uploadImagesNonce,
      required addPropertyDataMap,
      required defaultAddPropertyFunc}) {
      // define your action here

    // return addPropertyActionHook;
    return null;

You are provided with the following parameter:

Let’s dive into the details of each parameter.


context is the Build Context. You are provided with the context so you can perform build context related actions.


You are required to pass a Add Property Nonce aginst the addPropertyNonce key along the property data map for adding a property. You are provided with the addPropertyNonce for this purpose.


You are required to pass a Upload Image Nonce aginst the addPropertyImageNonce key along the image data map for uploading an image. You are provided with the uploadImagesNonce for this purpose.


You are provided with all the form fields related keys and values data e.g. Property Title and its user input etc. in the addPropertyDataMap. You can use this map for your custom actions.


If you want to perform some additional actions along the default Houzi Add Property Action, you can use the defaultAddPropertyFunc for this purpose. Just define your additional actions and at the end use the defaultAddPropertyFunc.

For example:

  AddPropertyActionHook? getAddPropertyActionHook() {
    AddPropertyActionHook addPropertyActionHook = ({
      required context,
      required addPropertyNonce,
      required uploadImagesNonce,
      required addPropertyDataMap,
      required defaultAddPropertyFunc}) {
      // define your action here
     // use defaultAddPropertyFunc at the end

    // return addPropertyActionHook;
    return null;
  • Return addPropertyActionHook instead of null for the modifications to work.
  AddPropertyActionHook? getAddPropertyActionHook() {
    AddPropertyActionHook addPropertyActionHook = ({
      required context,
      required addPropertyNonce,
      required uploadImagesNonce,
      required addPropertyDataMap,
      required defaultAddPropertyFunc}) {
      // define your action here

    return addPropertyActionHook;
  • After modifications, restart the app and the changes will reflect in your app.
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