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Important: You are required to install the Houzi Rest Api Plugin on your Houzez wordpress. To install the Plug-in, click on Houzi Rest Api Plugin Link.

A Mobile App View is provided in the center of screen, so you can see how the modifications will look on real device.


This guide consists of following sections:

Home Designs
Add New Section
Edit a Section
Delete a Section
Re-arrange a Section

Let’s dive into the details of each section.

Home Designs

Houzi provides you wide range of home designs. On the top right side of Home section, Home designs are provided. Click on any Home design, and you will be able to see, how it will look on real device in the Mobile App View. (By default, selected design is Home Elegant, one of most popular designs.)


There are some additional customizations related to Home designs as follows:

Add New Section

Click the ADD NEW WIDGET button at the right bottom of the screen, a dialog box will open. You will encounter following fields while adding a new section.

Widget Type
List Type
List Type Value
View Type
Additional Fields


Let’s dive into the details of each section.

Widget Type

Houzi offers a diverse selection of widget types for your home screen, making it easy to personalize and enhance your user experience. Details of these widget types is as follows:

Define the “Title” of the section.

Title field is not available for the ads section.


Design field is only available for the Properties Listing related sections (i.e. section with the types property or term).

Select the Design as follows:

List Type

List Type field is only available for the Properties Listing related sections (i.e. section with the widget types property or term).

List types are the Houzez taxonomies. You can customize the Properties Listing on home screen by selecting the one or multiple List Type.

The details of the List Types are as follows:

Above mentioed List-Types are generic Houzez Taxonomies/List-Type options. You may encounter all or some of these options, according to the data of your website.

List Type Value

List Type Value field is only available for the Properties Listing related sections (i.e. section with the widget types property or term).

List type values are the Houzez taxonomies related data. You can customize the Properties Listing on home screen by selecting the one or multiple List Type value.

The details of the List Types are as follows:

View Type

View Type field is not available for the ads, term_with_icon and place_holder widget type sections.

You can define the view of a section (e.g. vertical or horizontal) from the View Type dropdown menu. Views are of following types:

Slider View Type field is only available for the property and blogs widget type sections.

Additional Fields

There are following additonal fields related to the property widget type sections:

Please consider the fact that you won’t have properties available for all user locations. Also consider location permission and other gps related issues as well.

Terms With Icons Customization

Houzi provides you some by default Houzez Taxonomies Terms (e.g. For Rent, For Sale, Commercial, Residential etc.). These terms have by default icons assosiated with them. You can simply select the term_with_icons widget type and provide the section name and Terms with icons widget with by default attributes will be added to your home screen. You can change the icons of these by default terms.

If you want to customize the Terms also, Houzi Builder provides you a convinent way to do so. You just have to Add a new terms_with_icon type widget or you can Edit a existing one. If you are adding a new terms_with_icon type widget or editing the existing one, you will see Widget Configurations field. Click on this field and a Terms with icon configurations dialog will open. Follow these steps and you can add you customized Terms along your custom Icons.

  1. Click on ADD NEW WIDGET button, a dialog will open.

  2. Select Term (e.g. property_type etc.) from the dropdown menu.

  3. Select Sub-Term (e.g. Commercial etc.) from the dropdown menu.

  4. Select the Icon by clicking on the icon button field.

  5. Click on the Done Text Button and your added Term will be displayed in the Terms with icon configurations dialog.

  6. Repeat these steps if you want to add more Terms.

  7. You can re-arrange the added term widget just by clicking and holding a widget and dragging it upwards or downward.

  8. You can edit any term widget just by clicking on the edit icon.

  9. You can delete any un-necessary term widget just by clicking on the delete icon. After clicking delete from the confirmation dialog box, your widget will be deleted.

  10. Click on Done Text button and your customized Terms with custom icons will be added on Home Screen.

Edit a Section

You can Edit any section just by clicking on its Edit Icon. While editing a section, you can perform following actions:



Delete a Section

You can Delete any section just by clicking on delete icon of respective section. A delete confirmation dialog will open.



Click Delete if you want to delete the section.
Click Cancel if you want to discard the action.

Re-arrange a Section

You can Re-arrange the sections on Home Screen. Hold the section that you want to re-arrange and move it vertically (upwards or downwards). Place it on desire position in sections list.



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