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If you want to add item in Settings, go to Project_HOME > lib > hooks_v2.dart. Look for the getHomeRightBarButtonWidgetHook() method.

static getHomeRightBarButtonWidgetHook() {
    HomeRightBarButtonWidgetHook homeRightBarButtonWidgetHook = (context) {

      Widget? rightBarButtonHook;
      // Widget rightBarButtonHook = DefaultRightBarButtonIdWidget();

      return rightBarButtonHook;

Steps to Customize Home Right Bar Button Id Widget:

  1. If you want to hide the Home Right Bar Button Id Widget, define null against rightBarButtonHook.
  2. If you want to show the default Home Right Bar Button Id Widget, define DefaultRightBarButtonIdWidget() against rightBarButtonHook.
  3. If you want to show your custom widget, define yourWidget() against rightBarButtonHook.
  4. Finally return the widget rightBarButtonHook.
  5. Restart the App.

Example code snippets:

// Hide Home Right Bar Button Id Widget
Widget rightBarButtonHook = null;
return rightBarButtonHook;

// Default Home Right Bar Button Id Widget
Widget rightBarButtonHook = DefaultRightBarButtonIdWidget();
return rightBarButtonHook;

// Custom Widget
 Widget rightBarButtonHook = GestureDetector(
  child: Icon(Icons.search_outlined),
  onTap: () {
    // Perform Some Function here

return rightBarButtonHook;

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