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Houzi provides you with the option to completely customize your Property Details Screen. You can provide your own custom widgets if you do not want to utilize the default Houzi widgets for the Property details screen.

Simply open the file from the following path:

Project_HOME > lib > hooks_v2.dart

Look for the getWidgetHook() method. You are provided wtih the following parameters:


The parameter context is of the type of Build Context. If you wnat to provide a inline widget you can use this context widget.

It is recommended that you use proper widget (stateless or stateful) instead of using inline or function widgets.


The parameter article is property object whose details are being displayed. If you are providing your custom widget then you will need the property object data to display in your widget e.g. Tiltle or Address of property etc.

You can visit the following file to learn more about article.

Project_HOME > packages > houzi_package > lib > models > article.dart


The parameter hook represents the name of Houzi default Section/Widget name that is being build on the Property Details Screen. If you provide your custom widget/section against the desired section/widget, the default Houzi section/widget will be replaced with your custom section/widget on the Property Details Screen.


Following is the glimpse of the getWidgetHook(). You can provide your custom widget against any desired section/widget just by simply returning your custom widget instead of returing null.

  PropertyPageWidgetsHook getWidgetHook() {
    PropertyPageWidgetsHook detailsHook = (
      BuildContext context,
      Article article,
      String hook,
    ) {
      if (hook == 'article_images') {
        return null;
      } else if (hook == 'article_title') {
        return null;
      } else if (hook == 'article_address') {
        return null;


You have a custom widget named as customDescriptionWidget() and you want to use this widget instead of default Houzi Description widget on the Property Details Screen. You can simply replace the null with your custom widget against the “article_description” hook as follows:

    else if (hook == 'article_features') {

        return null;
    } else if (hook == 'article_description') {
        return customDescriptionWidget(context, article);
    } else if (hook == 'article_address_info') {

        return null;

// your customDescriptionWidget 
static Widget customDescriptionWidget(BuildContext context, Article article) {
    return Text(
        article.content ?? "",
        maxLines: 5,
        overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
        textAlign: TextAlign.justify,

After modifications, restart the app and the changes will reflect in your app.

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