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Important: You are required to install the Houzi Rest Api Plugin on your Houzez wordpress. To install the Plug-in, click on Houzi Rest Api Plugin Link.

A Mobile App View is provided in the center of screen, so you can see how the modifications will look on real device.


This guide consists of following sections:

Bottom Navigation Bar Designs
Add New Section
Edit a Section
Delete a Section
Re-arrange a Section

Let’s dive into the details of each section.

Bottom Navigation Bar Designs

Houzi provides you wide range of bottom navigation bar designs. On the top right side of Navigation Bar section, Navigation Bar designs are provided. Click on any Navigation Bar design, and you will be able to see, how it will look on real device in the Mobile App View. (By default, selected design is Design 02, one of most popular designs.)


There are some additional customizations related to Home designs as follows:

If you select Design 01 or Design 03, you can show or hide a Floating Action Button on the center of Navigation Bar, just by Check Marking or Un-Marking the Show Add Floating Action Button checkbox field.


By default, Floating Action Button will be a circular FAB Button with plus sign, and it’ll open Quick Add Property. You can customize or add custom actions to Floating Action Button.

Add New Section

The maximum limit is 05 for adding sections in Design 02.

For adding new section in Navigation Bar, follow these steps:

You will encounter following fields on the dialog box:

Widget Type
Check Login
Term Type
Term Type Value

Widget Type:

You are provided with the dropdown list of Widget Types. The details of widget types are as follows:

If you are unable to find the ‘messages’ in the list, you need to Configure the Direct Messages.


Title is label that will be displayed on the Navigation Bar. Define the Title of the section.

Check Login:

If you want that only logged-in user will be able to see the content of this particular navigation bar item, select true from the dropdown menu of Check Login, else leave it as false.


You can define the icon of your navigation bar item. Click on the icon button, an icon picker dialog will open. You can either choose from Material Icons or Cupertino Icons. Just search and click the required icon, it will be displayed and previous icon will be replaced.


Term Type:

Term Type is only section type “Term” related field.

If you have selected the Term widget type, an additional field will be visible to you named as Term Type.


Select the Term Type from the Term Type dropdown menu.


Term Type Value:

Term Type Value is only section type “Term” related field.

If you have selected the Term widget type, an additional field will be visible to you named as Term Type Value.


Select the Term Type Value from the Term Type Value dropdown menu.


Above displayed Term Type and Term Type Value are generic houzez options. You may encounter all or some of these options, according to the data of your website.

Edit a Section

You can Edit the sections just by clicking on Edit Icon of respective section. While editing a section, you can perform following actions:

Term Type and Term Type Value are only section type “Term” related fields.



Delete a Section

The minimum limit is 02 sections. If there are only 2 sections left, you can not delete further sections.

You can Delete any section just by clicking on delete icon of respective section. A delete confirmation dialog will open.



Click Delete if you want to delete the section.
Click Cancel if you want to discard the action.

Re-arrange a Section

You can Re-arrange the sections on Navigation Bar. Hold the section that you want to re-arrange and move it vertically (upwards or downwards). Place it on desire position in sections list.



Previous: Customize Home Screen Next: Customize Drawer Menu