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If you want to show ads, you need to have a key in your Info.plist named NSUserTrackingUsageDescription and its description string like below:

<string>Allows app to show ads more relevant to you.</string>

If you’ve this key in your info.plist you’re required to

Failing to do any of the above item will result in REJECTION by Apple.

From Houzi Configurations, if you set true for showing ads, Houzi will show app tracking permission dialog automatically as shown below:


So make sure you’ve setup tracking correctly.

If you want to SHOW ads:

You’ll need to do following things:

NOTE: if you have enabled ads in Houzi Config, but don’t have NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key in your info.plist, app will crash at launch.

If you DON’T plan on showing ads:

You’ll need to do following things:

If your app was rejected before for this reason, remove this key, set next build number and upload new binary resubmit for app review.

Read more about App Tracking Transparency

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