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Facebook sign in

For Facebook sign in, first you need to register as a Facebook developer. Follow this link: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/development/register/

Then you have to create an app. Follow this link: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/development/create-an-app

If you integrate Facebook login in your mobile app, Facebook cross-checks your app’s ownership on your website at following address:


Go to Project_HOME > server_files Open and edit the app-ads.txt file and replace FB_APP_ID_GOES_HERE with your Facebook app id. And then upload to your website root folder.


After creating app you will refer to app dashboard, on the top left your app id is mentioned, copy the app id and go to strings.xml file

Project_HOME > android > app > src > main > res > values > strings.xml and look for facebook_app_id. Replace its value with your own app id.

On facebook dashboard, go to Settings > Advanced and look for client token, copy it and go to strings.xml file and paste it for facebook_client_token.

On facebook dashboard, go to Settings > Basic fill your basic information and at the end of the page click on Add platform. Select android and then Google Play Store. Then go to Project_HOME > android > app > src > main > AndroidManifest.xml copy your package name and paste it in the Package Names field. Then copy the package name and paste in Class Name and write .MainActivity with your package name like this YOURPACKAGENAME.MainActivity (e.g com.houzi.app.MainActivity).

Then put your hashkey in the Key hashes field. To find info to how to generate you key hash go to

OR to quickly find your hash key, copy your SHA-1 certificate and go to this website http://tomeko.net/online_tools/hex_to_base64.php paste it in the hex string field and you will get your key hashes in the output field.


On facebook dashboard, go to Settings > Basic at the end of the page click on Add platform and fill in the details.

Open Project_HOME > ios > Runner > Info >

FacebookAppID, FacebookClientToken, FacebookDisplayName

Replace these with your own facebook app id, client token and your app name.

Also look for the Facebook Login Scheme in the URL types (CFBundleURLTypes) section and enter your own facebook app id with fb prefixed like this:


Save changes and facebook sign in is complete.

Previous: Setup Apple social sign in Next: Setup Phone sign in