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version 1.4.0

June 22, 2024 major

1.4.0 bring important changes to Houzi app, plugin and Houzi Builder. Upgrade is recommended.

Houzi App 1.4.0

  • [New] Updated to Flutter version 3.22.XX.
  • [New] Added support for Push Notifications. Docs
  • [New] Added support for Blogs in Home Screens, Side and Bottom menus.
  • [New] Added support for Dynamic Terms with Icons on Home Screens.
  • [New] Added support to edit Line id and Telegram id in ‘Edit Profile’.
  • [New] Added support for the Price Placeholder in Add Property.
  • [New] Added hook for the Drawer menu row design.
  • [New] Replaced the Flutter_Uploader with the background_downloader.

  • [Improved] Improved User Login.
  • [Improved] Improved Home Screens.
  • [Improved] Improved Listing Design Items.
  • [Improved] Improved Location Picker.
  • [Improved] Improved Search Results.
  • [Improved] Improved Google Maps
  • [Improved] Improved Houzez Parser.
  • [Improved] Fixed color of Email button on property profile.
  • [Improved] Fixed saving of in-app-purchase after successful payment.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Builder 1.4.0

  • [New] Added support for Push Notifications Configurations in Api & Config section.
  • [New] Added support for Dynamic Terms with Icons on Home Screens.
  • [New] Added support for adding Wordpress Posts / Blogs on Home Screens, in Drawer Menu and in Bottom Navigation Menu.
  • [New] Added new Blog Profile section.

  • [Improved] Added fix for ‘user_selected’ sub-type in ‘property Type’ widgets on Home Screen.
  • [Improved] Added support for the ‘Price Placeholder’ in Add Property.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Rest Api Plugin 1.4.0

  • [New] Added support for Push Notifications.
  • [New] Added web-services for view all notifications and checking new notification.
  • [New] Added web-service for admin to add users.
  • [New] Added support for Wordpress Posts/ Blogs.

  • [Improved] Fix issue with manager user role not available.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.


March 17, 2024 major is a HOTFIX for 1.3.9. Upgrade is necessary if you were using 1.3.9

Houzi App

  • HOTFIXES an issue where sorting was mixing the old query results with new query results.
  • [Improved] Fixed the localization issues in “Favorites and Saved Searches Tabs” and search filter Custom Field dropdowns.
  • [Improved] Add option to edit line and telegram fields in edit profile page.
  • [Improved] Fixes an issue of telegram and line not showing for author user.
  • [Improved] Shows phone input keyboard when it is a phone input field.
  • [Improved] Add PrivacyInfo file as per Apple requirement.

Houzi Rest Api Plugin

  • Add option to edit line and telegram fields in edit profile page.

version 1.3.9

March 13, 2024 major

1.3.9 bring important changes to Houzi app, plugin and Houzi Builder. Upgrade is recommended.

Houzi App 1.3.9

  • [New] Updated to Flutter version 3.19.XX and Android 34.
  • [New] Added support in UI for the Property Uploads.
  • [New] Added support for Admin to modify the attributes like Featured, Approved etc. of any listing.
  • [New] Added support for dynamic Sort by menu on Search Results page.
  • [New] Added support for dynamic Sort First by menu options on Search Results page.
  • [New] Added hook “MembershipPayWallDesignHook” for switch between ListView and PageView.
  • [New] Added Contact buttons for the Line app and Telegram app.
  • [New] Added script-code and country-code support for the localization purposes in the language hook.
  • [New] Added new hooks for setting the minimum characters for Login Password and customizing the Agent Profile Configurations.
  • [New] Provided support for the user to add custom options for the string_picker in search section.
  • [New] Provided same Signup phone number field as in the Login with the Phone screen.
  • [New] Added support for Enabling the HTML in the property description.
  • [New] Added support Sequential Location Picker on Home.
  • [New] Added support for Sequential Location Picker on Filter Page.
  • [New] Added new and improved Hook for custom property design PropertyItemHookV2.
  • [New] Added support for Land Area in the detailed features on Property Profile Page.

  • [Improved] Improved Drawer menu.
  • [Improved] Improved Search Results.
  • [Improved] Improved Add Property.
  • [Improved] Improved Membership.
  • [Improved] Improved Edit User Profile.
  • [Improved] Fixed the issue of dynamic page handling in Bottom Navigation Bar.
  • [Improved] Fixed the issue of Area not resetting on City selection via chips on Search Results.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Builder 1.3.9

  • [New] Upgraded and Enhanced UI.
  • [New] Added new Results & Maps section.
  • [New] Added new Contact button for Line app.
  • [New] Added new Contact button for Telegram app.
  • [New] Added new layout design for Property Profile Bottom Action Bar.
  • [New] Added support for Enabling the HTML in the property description.
  • [New] Added support for customizing the options of Sequential Location Picker in Home Menu.
  • [New] Added support for cutomizing Sequential Location Picker Hierarchy on Home.
  • [New] Added support for adding and customizing Sequential Location Picker on Search Page.
  • [New] Added support for “item_design_form_hook” option in the layout design of Home Property type widgets.

  • [Improved] Updated the Style section.
  • [Improved] Added new customization support in the Search section.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Rest Api Plugin 1.3.9

  • [Improved] Hot fix for Edit Profile.
  • [Improved] Hot fix for permission callback.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue related to Similar Properties.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue in Agency_Agent thumbnail.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues for ‘Private note’ and ‘Property disclaimer’ while Adding/Editing a Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Phone number from Contact us.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Touch-base.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

version 1.3.8

December 21, 2023 major

1.3.8 bring important changes to Houzi app, plugin and Houzi Builder. Upgrade is recommended.

Houzi App 1.3.8

  • [New] Added support for Map Clustering.
  • [New] Added hooks to customize the Clusters marker on Maps.
  • [New] Dynamic Bottom Navigation Bar, control with Houzi Builder
  • [New] Added option to view Private Note of Properties.
  • [New] Updated to Flutter version 3.16.XX.
  • [New] Added “Featured First” sort option on Search Results page.
  • [New] Added option to customize the “Floating Plus Button” in the Bottom Navigation Bar.
  • [New] Added “Cupertino Sliding Segment Control” for search filters.
  • [New] Added new “box” type term picker for search filters.
  • [New] Added “Chip filters” in Search Results Screen.

  • [Improved] Improved Search Results Page for smooth scrolling and fixed memory consumption.
  • [Improved] Improved Listings on Map.
  • [Improved] Improved Filter Page.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Add Property with location dropdowns.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues with material 3.
  • [Improved] Fixed price issue Floor Plans.
  • [Improved] Improved add inquiry location selection.
  • [Improved] Fixed with Static Maps while Adding a Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed Sorting search results issues.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Bottom Action Bar in Property Profile Screen.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Realtor Info Screen.
  • [Improved] Improved Property Listings.
  • [Improved] improved Elegant Home Search.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues related to scrolling in Settings.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Builder 1.3.8

  • [New] Updated and Enhanced UI.
  • [New] Added support to customize Bottom Navigation Bar with dynamic icons.
  • [New] Added support to hide/show “Cupertino Segment Control”.
  • [New] Added support for ‘box’ term picker.
  • [New] Added support for customizing Cupertino Sliding Segment Control Thumb Color.

  • [Improved] Fixed issues related to Add Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed icons of Country, State, City and Area on Search section.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Rest Api Plugin 1.3.8

  • [Improved] Fixed issue related to Similar Properties.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue in Agency_Agent thumbnail.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues for ‘Private note’ and ‘Property disclaimer’ while Adding/Editing a Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Phone number from Contact us.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Touch-base.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.


August 29, 2023 minor bring important changes to Houzi app, plugin and Houzi Builder. Upgrade is recommended.

Houzi App

  • [Improved] Fixed issues related to Quick Add Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues related to Localization.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues related to Maps.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues related to Print Property.

  • [New] Added support for Flutter version 3.13.0.
  • [New] Added support for ‘In-App Purchase’ Docs.
  • [New] Added support to hide/show “Grid” option on Search Results Page.
  • [New] Added support to hide/show “Print” option on Property Details Page.
  • [New] Added support to Copy description on Property Details.
  • [New] Added support to Download property image option on Property Details.
  • [New] Added support to show/hide Download property image option on Property Details.
  • [New] Added support of Double Tap Zoom the image.
  • [New] Added “Partner” section on Home Screens.
  • [New] Resolved the http status code ‘304’ issue.
  • [New] Added ‘Place-Holder’ widget support in Drawer Menu.
  • [New] Added support for Dynamic Keywords.
  • [New] Added translations of user roles in user sign-up page.
  • [New] Added support for ‘custom_keyword_picker’.
  • [New] Added “Auto Complete” support in term picker dropdown.
  • [New] Added support of “query_type” in term_picker.
  • [New] Added support for ‘Keyword Custom Query’.
  • [New] Added support to open direction to the location, in single listing map view.
  • [New] Added support of dynamic Quick Add Property.
  • [New] Fetching and displaying Radius_Unit from touch-base.
  • [New] Added ‘post create date’ in property details.
  • [New] Added ‘post update date’ in property details.
  • [New] Added support for Payments related hooks.
  • [New] Added support for providing image assets in IconsMap.

  • [Improved] Fixed issue of Top Bar Widgets location in full screen image page.
  • [Improved] Fixed Translation issues.
  • [Improved] Fixed Saved Searches arrow direction for RTL.
  • [Improved] Fixed options space issue in Meta Key Picker.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in TermWithIcons.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue of Bottom Sheet (use of Safe Area).
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues of dropdown field in Add Property term picker.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues related to Keyword query.
  • [Improved] Filter ‘Reset’ button.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues of Data loading in Home screen listings.
  • [Improved] Fixed the search api key of term ‘property_feature’.
  • [Improved] Fixed the search api key of term ‘property_feature’.
  • [Improved] Fixed the Filter Page bottom space issue via SafeArea.
  • [Improved] Changed the image indicator style in images view and full screen image view.
  • [Improved] Fixed details table bottom space issue.
  • [Improved] Fixed price related issues for listing details.
  • [Improved] Fixed Property Link in send email to realtor.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue of Range Slider ‘Max_Range’ not updating.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Builder

  • [Improved] Fixed the issue of missing ‘show_total_search_type_options’ config.

  • [New] Added support for ‘Quick Add Property’.
  • [New] Added support to hide/show “Print” option on Property Details Page.
  • [New] Added support to hide/show “Grid” option on Search Results Page.
  • [New] Added support to hide/show “Download” image option.
  • [New] Added support to add “Partners” section in all Home Screens.
  • [New] Added “Place-Holder” widget support in Drawer Menu.
  • [New] Added “Query Type” to Keyword field.
  • [New] Added “Query Type” to Term Picker field.
  • [New] Added support for ‘custom_keyword_picker’.
  • [New] Added support for ‘keyword_custom_checkbox’.
  • [New] Added support for ‘Keyword Custom Query’.
  • [New] Added search bar to dropdown design in term picker.

  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Add Property Multi-select & Dropdown fields.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues regarding Loading dialogs.
  • [Improved] Reverted ‘keyword_picker’ to ‘text_field’.
  • [Improved] Displayed Cities data instead of dummy data.
  • [Improved] Resolved ‘custom_keyword_picker’ options space issue.
  • [Improved] Moved Property Details Page related configs show/hide bottom bar buttons to Property Details Page.

  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Rest Api Plugin

  • [New] Added support for ‘In-App Purchase’.
  • [New] Extensive improvement in Search with Filters based on Custom Keyword Queries.
  • [New] Added support of “query_type” for Terms.
  • [New] Added support of “query_type” for Custom Search with Keyword in Title and Content of properties.
  • [New] Added support of ‘AND’ query types between multiple Custom Keyword Query queries.
  • [New] Exposed ‘radius_unit’ in touch-base.
  • [New] Added ‘Payment’ related information in touch-base.
  • [New] Exposed ‘Houzez package’.
  • [New] Exposed ‘realtor-info’ in Search Api.
  • [New] Exposed ‘permalink’ in Search Api.
  • [New] Add New Api GetPropertyByMetaKey.

  • [Improved] Fixed issue related to Print Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed search with property_feature issues.
  • [Improved] Fixed the ‘mobile_app_config’ null issue.

  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

version 1.3.7

August 28, 2023 major

1.3.7 bring important changes to Houzi app, plugin and Houzi Builder. Upgrade is recommended.

Houzi App 1.3.7

  • [New] Added support for Flutter version 3.13.0.
  • [New] Added support for ‘In-App Purchase’ Docs.
  • [New] Added support to hide/show “Grid” option on Search Results Page.
  • [New] Added support to hide/show “Print” option on Property Details Page.
  • [New] Added support to Copy description on Property Details.
  • [New] Added support to Download property image option on Property Details.
  • [New] Added support to show/hide Download property image option on Property Details.
  • [New] Added support of Double Tap Zoom the image.
  • [New] Added “Partner” section on Home Screens.
  • [New] Resolved the http status code ‘304’ issue.
  • [New] Added ‘Place-Holder’ widget support in Drawer Menu.
  • [New] Added support for Dynamic Keywords.
  • [New] Added translations of user roles in user sign-up page.
  • [New] Added support for ‘custom_keyword_picker’.
  • [New] Added “Auto Complete” support in term picker dropdown.
  • [New] Added support of “query_type” in term_picker.
  • [New] Added support for ‘Keyword Custom Query’.
  • [New] Added support to open direction to the location, in single listing map view.
  • [New] Added support of dynamic Quick Add Property.
  • [New] Fetching and displaying Radius_Unit from touch-base.
  • [New] Added ‘post create date’ in property details.
  • [New] Added ‘post update date’ in property details.
  • [New] Added support for Payments related hooks.
  • [New] Added support for providing image assets in IconsMap.

  • [Improved] Fixed issue of Top Bar Widgets location in full screen image page.
  • [Improved] Fixed Translation issues.
  • [Improved] Fixed Saved Searches arrow direction for RTL.
  • [Improved] Fixed options space issue in Meta Key Picker.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in TermWithIcons.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue of Bottom Sheet (use of Safe Area).
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues of dropdown field in Add Property term picker.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues related to Keyword query.
  • [Improved] Filter ‘Reset’ button.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues of Data loading in Home screen listings.
  • [Improved] Fixed the search api key of term ‘property_feature’.
  • [Improved] Fixed the search api key of term ‘property_feature’.
  • [Improved] Fixed the Filter Page bottom space issue via SafeArea.
  • [Improved] Changed the image indicator style in images view and full screen image view.
  • [Improved] Fixed details table bottom space issue.
  • [Improved] Fixed price related issues for listing details.
  • [Improved] Fixed Property Link in send email to realtor.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue of Range Slider ‘Max_Range’ not updating.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Builder 1.3.7

  • [New] Added support for ‘Quick Add Property’.
  • [New] Added support to hide/show “Print” option on Property Details Page.
  • [New] Added support to hide/show “Grid” option on Search Results Page.
  • [New] Added support to hide/show “Download” image option.
  • [New] Added support to add “Partners” section in all Home Screens.
  • [New] Added “Place-Holder” widget support in Drawer Menu.
  • [New] Added “Query Type” to Keyword field.
  • [New] Added “Query Type” to Term Picker field.
  • [New] Added support for ‘custom_keyword_picker’.
  • [New] Added support for ‘keyword_custom_checkbox’.
  • [New] Added support for ‘Keyword Custom Query’.
  • [New] Added search bar to dropdown design in term picker.

  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Add Property Multi-select & Dropdown fields.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues regarding Loading dialogs.
  • [Improved] Reverted ‘keyword_picker’ to ‘text_field’.
  • [Improved] Displayed Cities data instead of dummy data.
  • [Improved] Resolved ‘custom_keyword_picker’ options space issue.
  • [Improved] Moved Property Details Page related configs show/hide bottom bar buttons to Property Details Page.

  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Rest Api Plugin 1.3.7

  • [New] Added support for ‘In-App Purchase’.
  • [New] Extensive improvement in Search with Filters based on Custom Keyword Queries.
  • [New] Added support of “query_type” for Terms.
  • [New] Added support of “query_type” for Custom Search with Keyword in Title and Content of properties.
  • [New] Added support of ‘AND’ query types between multiple Custom Keyword Query queries.
  • [New] Exposed ‘radius_unit’ in touch-base.
  • [New] Added ‘Payment’ related information in touch-base.
  • [New] Exposed ‘Houzez package’.
  • [New] Exposed ‘realtor-info’ in Search Api.
  • [New] Exposed ‘permalink’ in Search Api.
  • [New] Add New Api GetPropertyByMetaKey.
  • [Improved] Fixed search with property_feature issues.
  • [Improved] Fixed the ‘mobile_app_config’ null issue.

  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

version 1.3.5

July 17, 2023 minor

1.3.5 bring important changes to Houzi app, plugin and Houzi Builder. Upgrade is recommended. Here’s the details of what awesome things we’ve done with the app and its companions.

Houzi App 1.3.5

  • [New] Added support for new ‘dropdown’ and ‘string-picker’ in Keyword field for search filters.
  • [New] Added support for Brazilian language.
  • [New] Added support for Romanian language.
  • [New] Added support for Persian language.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue of User Authentication errors.
  • [Improved] Fixed crash issues in Leads (CRM).
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Filter Page.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Saved Searches.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Favourite Properties.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues in User Sign-in.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues on Property Address Page in Add Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Edit Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Search Results Page.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues related to Google Maps.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Builder 1.3.5

  • [New] Added support for new ‘dropdown’ and ‘string-picker’ in Keyword field for search filters.
  • [Improved] Imporvement in Export Configuration View of app.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Rest Api Plugin 1.3.5

  • [New] Added support for Houzez ‘meta keys’ in Search with Filters.
  • [New] Added Attachments in Property Details page response.
  • [New] Added Print Property Pdf Webserive.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

version 1.3.0

June 13, 2023 major

1.3.0 bring important changes to Houzi app, plugin and Houzi Builder. The highlights are dynamic add property, search and filters and custom widgets in pages. Upgrade is recommended. Here’s the details of what awesome things we’ve done with the app and its companions.

Houzi App 1.3.0

  • [New] Dynamic Add Property.
  • [New] Option to add country, city, area as dropdown in add property.
  • [New] Option to add Search Filters based on Houzez ‘meta keys’.
  • [New] Option to add Custom Widgets in Home and Property Details.
  • [New] Option to add Custom Widgets in Home Sliver App Bar.
  • [New] Option to add Web URL in Drawer menu.
  • [New] Added ‘Property Attachement’ section in Property details.
  • [New] Display All Property tags (Featured, Status, Label etc.).
  • [New] Added icon for ‘Website’ in Drawer menu.
  • [New] Added Print Property option in Property Details.
  • [New] Added WhatsApp logo in Property Details.
  • [New] Added English language in hooks.

  • [Improved] Upgrade support to Flutter 3.10.x.
  • [Improved] Renamed Directories for ease of access.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Deals and Leads (CRM).
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Realtor Information Screen.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Home.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue of duel properties after Adding Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed the multiline issue of Review Title.
  • [Improved] Improved User Sign-in.
  • [Improved] Fixed the Internet Connection Error issue.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Favourites.
  • [Improved] Improved URL launcher.
  • [Improved] Improved All Agents Search.
  • [Improved] Fixed Price issue in Property Details, Property Draft and Favourite Property.
  • [Improved] Remove realtorMap from hooks.
  • [Improved] Improved Property Card.
  • [Improved] Updated ‘Language settings’ icon.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Maps.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue of search with Property Label.
  • [Improved] Replaced Multi Select Form Field on Address Page with Full Screen Term Picker Field in Add Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue of WhatsApp crash (iOS).
  • [Improved] Segregated ‘hooks delegates, hooks class’ and ‘hooks_interface’ files in a separate directory.
  • [Improved] Improved Deep Link.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Builder 1.3.0

  • [New] Extensive imporvement in Search with Filters based on Houzez ‘meta keys’.
  • [New] Dynamic Add Property Form.
  • [New] Add option to show Web URL as item in left drawer menu.
  • [New] Added ‘Property Attachment’ section in Property details.
  • [New] Added Custom Widgets in Home and Property Details.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Rest Api Plugin 1.3.0

  • [New] Extensive imporvement in Search with Filters based on Houzez ‘meta keys’.
  • [New] Added Attachments in Property Details page response.
  • [New] Added Print Property Pdf Webserive.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

version 1.2.0

March 10, 2023 major

1.2.0 bring important changes to Houzi app, plugin and Houzi Builder. Upgrade is recommended. Here’s the details of what awesome things we’ve done with the app and its companions.

Houzi App 1.2.0

  • [New] Shiny new and comprehensive CRM.
  • [New] Gorgeous Saved Searches Layout.
  • [New] Custom map pin (with bg, title, styling option) Docs
  • [New] Country, Area, State, City added to filters.
  • [New] Option to hide price. (make visible to logged-in or to agencies only etc) Docs
  • [New] Null safety added.
  • [New] Report review to admin. (required by Google).
  • [New] Security improved. App Secret added. Docs
  • [New] Hooks V2 adds more simpler approach to hooks.
  • [Improved] Upgrade support to Flutter 3.7.x and Android 33.
  • [Improved] Pagination in agent and agency list.
  • [Improved] Pre-fill all forms with available info, if user is logged-in.
  • [Improved] deep link for property links.
  • [Improved] Faster Maps and List loading.
  • [Improved] add enquiry, delete enquiry, deal and lead.
  • [Improved] phone signup, social sign in.
  • [Improved] search for properties by agency or agent.
  • [Improved] send email from app for Houzez version 2.7.3+.

  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Builder 1.2.0

  • Added country, state, city area, term pickers in search filters.
  • Added activation by CodeCanyon key.
  • Fixed phone signup key.
  • Added check for Houzez theme installation.
  • Fixed several issues in parsing config.

Houzi Rest Api Plugin 1.2.0

  • [New] Added web services for several CRM functions.
  • [New] Report review to admin. (required by Google).
  • [New] Security improved. App Secret added.
  • [Improved] send email from app for Houzez version 2.7.3+.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

version 1.1.5_1

January 27, 2023 minor

1.1.5_1 gradual update

  • Spanish language added.
  • Lock property details with login.
  • Price formatter hooks added.
  • Fixed phone sign on.
  • Latest flutter support 3.7.0
  • Fixed crash in edit profile when signup with phone
  • Fixed my properties not showing when using Houzez 2.7.2

Houzi Builder 1.0.1_2

  • Fixed showing login with phone option.
  • Fixed font issues on older MacOS.

Houzi Rest Api Plugin

  • Fixed a minor issue in login when phone signup.
  • Fixed purging property cache when editing.

version 1.1.5

November 12, 2022 major

  • Hook for adding item in Settings.
  • Hook for adding item in profile tab.
  • Hook for adding top right bar button in home.
  • Fixed and improved ID search.
  • Control hide show of social login via config.json
  • Fixed firebase and other google dependency conflicts.


November 04, 2022 major gradual update

  • Upgrade to latest Flutter 3.3.7
  • Set default country for phone signup.
  • Set default language of the app.
  • Control signup fields with website.
  • Turkish localisation added.


October 02, 2022 major released to code canyon

  • Released to CodeCanyon


September 23, 2022 minor

  • Ability for admins to create new user.
  • Signup with phone.

version 1.1.4

September 16, 2022 major

1.1.4 is here with lot of dynamic abilities.

  • hooks and widgets for customisation.
  • new home designs added.
  • dynamic home and search filter
  • improved config and property widgets.
  • Amharic, Russian langs added.
  • bug fixes and improvements.

version 1.1.3

August 29, 2022 major

1.1.3 brings design enhancements

  • Gorgeous new designs for home, results and property page.
  • Added 3 more home options.
  • Added sub-listing feature.
  • Improved search and filters.
  • Houzi Config support added.
  • Houzi Config OTA support.

version 1.1.2

March 14, 2022 major

1.1.2 brings exciting new features

  • Social logins (google, facebook, apple)
  • GPS location + range based search
  • Mobile ads integration.
  • Arabic and French translation.
  • Save properties as draft.
  • Performance improvement.

version 1.1.1

March 08, 2022 major

Better and improved Houzi with following updates

  • Search bar redesigned.
  • Grid view design in result list.
  • Several design improvements.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

version 1.1

February 15, 2022 major

Better and improved Houzi with following updates

  • Right to left layout fixed.
  • Improved localisation.
  • Shiny new fonts.
  • Stability and performance improvements.

version 1.0

February 05, 2022 major

Better and improved Houzi with following updates

  • released version 1.0
  • improved property listing.
  • improved review feature.
  • improved saved and favorites.
  • improved layout for notch display.
  • improved performance and reliability.

version 0.9 Beta

December 28, 2021 major

Features and Improvements

  • Improved UI.
  • Improved Dark Theme.
  • User Profile UI.
  • Improved User Profile feature.
  • Improved reviews feature.
  • Addition of Review feature.
  • Addition of filter feature on Agents and Agency Page.